17 Μαρτίου 2023

Tsypherpblat (UA) - new single - Disko-Funko

Το "Disko-Funko", το τελευταίο single από το ουκρανικό συγκρότημα Tsypherpblat έχει αυτή την υπέροχη ρετρό-νοσταλγική πινελιά: ένα πολεμικό τραγούδι για στιγμές χαλάρωσης, άνεσης, διασκέδασης και εξωπραγματικά καλών πάρτι.

Ένα φλας-μπακ και ένα φλας-φόργουορντ σε τρία λεπτά απροσεξίας και μια ονειρική ηρεμία.

Supporting Music Export Ukraine: 
an independent initiative, which helps Ukrainian emerging artists to establish connections, promote their music, develop career and talent on the international level.
Their main activities include artist support, cross-sector collaborations, international exchange programs, educational events, along with the only one export oriented music conference and showcase MCU in Kyiv.  
Over the past years they have been working very hard putting lots of highly talented Ukrainian artists on the international music map.

Supporting "Musicians Defend Ukraine" - https://shpytal.com/musicians-defend-ukraine/ - https://instagram.com/musicians_defend_ukraine
Musicians Defend Ukraine was founded by people from the Ukrainian music scene.
Some of them whom we usually meet at concerts, showcase festivals and music conferences are now volunteering in their home towns and country. Their goal is to involve the global music industry in supporting Ukrainian artists who defend their cities and work as volunteers.   The organization is raising funds for first aid kits, protection clothes, electronic devices, batteries, transportation etc…
It would be a huge help to them if you could share their work with your audience and through your social media channels.

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