27 Αυγούστου 2024

Ethereal - Betrayal


Hugo Soares – Vocals / (Iberia; Artworx)

Cristina Lopes – Vocals / (Te Deum)

Carlos Monteiro – Guitars / (Collapse of Light; Beforetherain; Sculpture; Needless God) 

Marco Agostinho – Guitars / (Ava Inferi)

Pedro Arsénio – Guitars / (EchotheFallen; Murderous Instinct; Sculpture; Needless God) 

Jorge Bentes – Bass

Mário Serrano – Keyboards

Miguel Ledo – Drums / (Collapse of Light (Live); Beforetherain (Live); Needless God)


Shades of Sadness (1999) EP / Edição de Autor- Independente

Dreams of Yearning (2003) Recital Records

Towers of Isolation (2006) Recital Records

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